What is Erika’s Lighthouse?
Erika’s Lighthouse is a nonprofit on a mission to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and provide free depression education and suicide prevention programs to any school, anywhere. They do so through their resources for Classroom Education, Staff Training, Family Engagement, and Empowerment Clubs.
SADD and Erika’s Lighthouse
SADD Chapters are welcome to register as Affiliate Clubs of Erika’s Lighthouse. Registering as an Affiliate Club is a great way to stay up-to-date on what club materials are available by Erika’s Lighthouse, as well as help report the impact of your club on supporting mental health in your school. The only requirement for a SADD Chapter to be an Affiliate Club of Erika’s Lighthouse is to create an account on Erika’s Lighthouse website and register your club using the Empowerment Club Registration form. Once you have created an account and logged in, feel free to explore all of Erika’s Lighthouse materials, especially the Awareness into Action Activities on the Empowerment Club page!
How can my SADD Chapter use Erika’s Lighthouse Resources?
Erika’s Lighthouse has a Resource Portal with materials to support mental health in schools. SADD Chapters can easily use materials in the Empowerment Clubs Pillar Page. That page hosts instructions and materials for over 60 schoolwide campaigns, called Awareness into Action Activities, that your Chapter can lead to support mental health in your school. These activities range from educating about mental health, promoting positivity, promoting
help-seeking, reducing stigma, etc.
In addition to the Awareness into Action Activities, Erika’s Lighthouse has many other resources available for SADD Chapters. You may have seen the Erika’s Lighthouse training in the courses section of your MySADD. This is one example of a tool that Erika’s Lighthouse has for clubs, but you can find even more on the Erika’s Lighthouse Resource Portal. Create an account and log in to see all the resources available!
How can I learn more about Erika’s Lighthouse?
SADD and Erika’s Lighthouse will be partnering to co-host youth-centered trainings on how SADD Chapters can work together with Erika’s Lighthouse. The first will be on January, 9th at 5:00 PM Central Time. You can sign up to join the training here!
You can also reach out to Erika’s Lighthouse directly to learn more. Contact the Erika’s Lighthouse Empowerment Club Coordinator, Derick, and he would be happy to help your club
See you January 9!!
For more info on the SADD + Erika's Lighthouse partnership, or programming on mental health topics, check out sadd.org/programs.