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Advisor's advice: Behind the Scenes - A High School SADD Advisor’s Perspective

As the Whitehall High School SADD Advisor, I have had the unique privilege of guiding a group of motivated students who are passionate about promoting positive choices and behaviors among their peers. What I have found most important to remember is that being a SADD Advisor isn't just about overseeing meetings or organizing events—it’s about empowering students to become leaders and change-makers in their school and community. 

The Role of SADD advisor includes supporting student initiatives, facilitating discussion, building partnerships, and empowering student leadership. 

One of the most rewarding parts of being an advisor is witnessing the creativity and passion that members bring to the table.  Whether it’s planning awareness campaigns, organizing speaker events, or participating in community service projects, we, as advisors, play a crucial role in guiding these initiatives.  

SADD meetings often serve as a forum for students to discuss sensitive topics; we help to facilitate these discussions in a constructive and supportive manner, ensuring that all voices are heard and respected. 

Collaboration is key to the success of the SADD chapter.  Advisors work closely with school administrators, community organizations, and local businesses to secure resources, funding, and opportunities for members to make a meaningful impact.

At its core, SADD is about empowering students to take ownership of their decisions and advocate for positive change.  Advisors mentor members in leadership skills, goal-setting, and teamwork, preparing them to become effective advocates both within their school and beyond. 

Looking back over the last few years with a successful chapter, I have found that the following have helped me make the most of this rewarding experience: listening and empowering members, staying informed, celebrating achievements, and encouraging reflection.  

Encouraging members to take the lead in identifying issues that matter to them and then developing solutions has helped give my chapter direction.  Acting as a guide rather than a director has helped to foster a sense of ownership and initiative among members.  Chapter officers meet as a group and then within smaller groups to come up with campaigns they are going to focus on.  From there, a calendar is made and shared with the entire group so that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.  Staying updated on current trends and all things SADD has helped me to guide students with accurate and relevant information.  The initiatives and programming resources on the SADD website have provided my chapter with meaningful information to host successful campaigns.  

Celebrating achievements has helped members develop a sense of pride in the chapter and themselves.  Recognizing and celebrating individual contributions and milestones reached as a team helps to reinforce the impacts of their efforts. Over the past couple of years, we have delegated a SADD member of the month. This member is decided by the officers based on their campaign involvement and member spirit. Recipients are highlighted on social media and given certificates and gift cards to the SADDStore.   

Encouraging members to reflect on the impact of their actions and initiatives has fostered continuous growth and improvement within the chapter.   Being the chapter advisor has been a fulfilling journey that has allowed me to witness firsthand the positive change that young people can bring to their communities.  As advisors, we provide guidance, support, and encouragement; we play a pivotal role in empowering students to make informed and responsible decisions.  I have embraced, wholeheartedly, the opportunity to advise a wonderful group of young leaders over the years. 


This is our first blog in a new series called "Advisor's Advice". Check back for more content from advisors like you! Want to learn more about being an amazing SADD Advisor? Check out SADD University and SADD 401 at

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