LA sadd
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Louisiana SADD is excited to announce a partnership with Barczyk Spine & Joint. Dr. Barczyk and his staff fully understand the significance of injuries that result when people do not wear seat belts in motor vehicle crashes. Thanks to this collaboration, our Louisiana State Coordinator will be able to enhance her state-wide efforts of educating young drivers on the importance of seat belt usage.
Our other generous partners in Louisiana are Blase Inzina Injury Attorneys, Trey Hargrove State Farm, Brandy Robertson State Farm, and Destination Zero Deaths Strategic Highway Safety Plan Offices. Along with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, these three businesses are helping to keep our program running smoothly and effectively. We are incredibly grateful that they share the same mission to help save lives on our roadways!
"The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LHSC) administers the State's highway safety grant program. Louisiana's highway safety program is designed to reduce traffic crashes and the resulting deaths, injuries and property damage. Programs and projects are administered in accordance with uniform guidelines promulgated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)."